I am Harrison DiAmbrosio, a humble programmer interested in all things related to web development, creative coding, computer graphics, game development and Linux. I am all self taught, and have found learning about computers to be one of my life's passions. I am familiarizing myself with a few programming languages: C++, TypeScript, JavaScript, and some Java. Additionally, I'm most comfortable as a web developer and frequently dive deep into the community on new runtimes, frameworks and best practices. I find Svelte to come with a great experience and enjoy building projects most often in the framework. As of now I'm a graduating senior from Saint Peter's Prep and will study Computer Science and Electrical/Computer Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Technologies and Dotfiles
- Neovim - Text editor and the only way I can type now. If I need to use another editor vim binds are a requirement, without question. Package management is done with lazy.nvim which makes the whole configuration process super portable.
- Linux (Void, Debian) - My choice for linux distros. Mostly used out of recommendation (or no other option). As for Void, I do appreciate the minimalism and boot speed. Debian is nice and simple as well, and if not for the outdated repos, it would be my favorite.
- dwm - Window manager of choice. Simple, works well, and I love how the config is written in C. As for complementary programs, the only one that adds any functionality besides comsetics is slstatus.
- Kitty - Just a terminal emulator, I like it for the in built image rendering. It also has nice paneling that can be similar to my dwm binds but I don't take advantage of those often.
- dwm.tmux - I use tmux for when I'm on my school chromebook or not in a graphical environment with tiling window management. This nice plugin makes it easy to get keybinds similar to dwm and it's a nice set-and-forget.
- 10/14/2023: Terminal Based 3D Graphics
- 01/14/2024: Introduction
- TT/BB/DDDD: Wolfenstein-style Terminal Raycast Renderer
- 03/22/2024: Neocities
- 05/09/2024: Minecraft Clone (maybe pt.1)
- 06/02/2024: Linux on a Laptop: My Experience (pt.1)
- Github: EggbertFluffle
- E-Mail: hdiambrosio@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Harrison DiAmbrosio